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  • Is It Safe to Hold Back a Sneeze? Here’s the Truth

Is It Safe to Hold Back a Sneeze? Here’s the Truth

From ear damage to potential infections, here’s why you should let it out.

Sneezing is a natural reflex that helps your body expel irritants like dust, pollen, and germs from your nose and throat. With sneezes shooting out droplets at speeds up to 100 miles per hour, according to the American Lung Association, it’s no wonder holding one in might seem like a safer choice in public. But is it really safe to stifle that sneeze?

Turns out, suppressing a sneeze can do more harm than good sometimes even leading to serious health issues. Here's what happens when you hold back a sneeze and why it's better to let it out.

1. It Can Cause Chest Discomfort

When you hold in a sneeze, the pressure that builds up in your chest can lead to an uncomfortable sensation of fullness.

  • Why it happens: "You're putting pressure on your diaphragm, the muscle that helps you breathe," says Jason Abramowitz, MD, an otolaryngologist with ENT and Allergy Associates in New Jersey.

  • The impact: You might also feel pressure in your ribs and chest, which isn't dangerous but can be unpleasant.

2. You Could Rupture Your Eardrum

The nose and ears are connected by the eustachian tubes, which help equalize pressure. However, if you hold in a sneeze, the sudden buildup of pressure in your nose can travel to your ears, potentially causing trauma to the eardrum.

  • The risk: Though rare, a burst eardrum can lead to pain, hearing loss, and sometimes dizziness. Most cases heal within a few weeks, but severe instances might require medical intervention.

3. It Might Trigger an Ear Infection

When you sneeze, you're expelling mucus and germs. Holding it in can cause virus- or bacteria-filled mucus to move back into the eustachian tubes, leading to a potential ear infection.

  • Middle ear infections: According to the Cleveland Clinic, this can cause ear pain, fluid drainage, and even temporary hearing issues.

4. It Can Burst a Blood Vessel

Sneezes generate a lot of force, and suppressing them can lead to burst blood vessels, especially in sensitive areas like the eyes, nose, and eardrums.

  • What to look for: You might notice a small red spot in your eye or experience a minor nosebleed. While these are usually harmless, they can be uncomfortable.

5. Rare but Serious Risks

Though extremely uncommon, there have been reports of more serious injuries linked to holding in a sneeze:

  • Aneurysms: A 2015 case published in Case Reports in Neurological Medicine highlighted a rare instance where a forceful sneeze was linked to a brain aneurysm.

  • Throat Injuries: According to a 2021 report in the American Journal of Otolaryngology, violent sneezing fits can even cause laryngeal (throat) fractures.

While these risks are highly unlikely, they do show how powerful a sneeze can be.

What to Do Instead of Holding in a Sneeze

If you feel a sneeze coming on, it's best to let it out safely:

  • Use a tissue: Cover your nose and mouth, then dispose of the tissue and wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.

  • Sneeze into your elbow: If a tissue isn’t available, aim for your elbow to prevent spreading germs.

  • Avoid pinching your nose: If you must stifle a sneeze, avoid holding your nostrils too tightly, as this can increase nasal pressure and discomfort.

The Bottom Line

While holding in a sneeze might seem polite or necessary in certain situations, it’s almost always better to let it out. At worst, suppressing a sneeze can lead to discomfort or minor injuries and in very rare cases, more serious complications.

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