Unmasking Psoriasis: 6 Misconceptions You Need to Leave Behind Today

Psoriasis, an autoimmune disorder known for causing skin inflammation and often resulting in uncomfortable, scaly, or flaky patches on the body, affects about 7 million people in the U.S. according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Despite its prevalence, numerous misconceptions about the condition continue to circulate. These myths largely stem from a lack of awareness and understanding about psoriasis, a condition that often bears the brunt of social stigma and misinformation.

Today, let’s tackle some of the most persistent myths about psoriasis and replace them with facts straight from the experts.

1. Misconception: Psoriasis is Contagious

Truth: Psoriasis can’t be “caught” by another person. Unlike conditions such as athlete’s foot, which is caused by a fungus and can be transmitted between people, psoriasis is an autoimmune condition. This means it’s caused by the body’s immune system mistakenly attacking healthy cells, which is not something that can be passed on from person to person.

2. Misconception: Psoriasis and Eczema are the Same

Truth: While both psoriasis and eczema are immune-related conditions that cause inflamed skin, they are not identical. They differ in terms of typical onset age, affected body locations, and symptoms. While eczema is more common in babies and children and often affects the creases of the body, psoriasis usually manifests in the mid-teens to mid-30s and can appear anywhere, with common sites being the scalp, knees, and elbows.

3. Misconception: Psoriasis is Caused by a Fungus, Infection, or Parasites

Truth: Psoriasis is an autoimmune condition, not an infection. It’s not caused by bacteria, viruses, or any external factors that can be passed from person to person. It arises from an overactive immune response, which causes skin cells to grow rapidly.

4. Misconception: Psoriasis is a Sign of Poor Hygiene

Truth: Psoriasis has nothing to do with cleanliness. The misconception that psoriasis or other chronic skin conditions result from poor hygiene is not only false but can also be hurtful.

5. Misconception: Psoriasis is ‘Just’ a Skin Condition

Truth: While rashes are often the most visible symptom, psoriasis extends beyond the skin’s surface. It can affect a person’s nails, joints, and even mental health. About one-third of people diagnosed with psoriasis may develop psoriatic arthritis, an autoimmune condition that causes joint pain, swelling, and stiffness.

6. Misconception: Psoriasis is Curable

Truth: At present, there are no known cures for psoriasis. However, various treatments can manage symptoms, including topical creams, light therapy, and systemic medications. Lifestyle modifications, such as stress management, weight management, and cessation of smoking, can also help manage symptoms.

Remember, psoriasis is a noncontagious, chronic condition affecting more than just a person’s skin. Let’s arm ourselves with the correct information to support those who are dealing with this condition and continue spreading awareness, not misconceptions.

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Audrey Sawyer is a wellness expert and co-founder of Thriving Guide. She was inspired to start the publication after facing her own health crisis, despite following all the wellness trends. Audrey realized that much of what she believed about wellness was based on misconceptions, and sought to provide accurate, practical and actionable information through Thriving Guide. Audrey continues to promote holistic wellness, speaking on the topic and sharing her knowledge through writing and media appearances. Her mission is to help people make informed decisions about their health and well-being.